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Annual Members' Meeting 2023

The Annual Member Meeting took place on Monday 27 November 2023 at 6pm AEDT

At this year’s meeting, an update on your fund included:

  • How your super’s performed over the last year
  • How we’re investing your super for the long term
  • Our strategy to face challenges and grow

A record of the meeting is now available

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Additional information

Alongside your invitation to the meeting, we are required under superannuation regulations to provide the following additional information.

  • Summary of payments made by the fund

    The following table provides a summary of remuneration and certain payments made by the fund from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023.

    Aggregate remuneration expenditure$2,949,309
    Aggregate promotion, marketing and sponsorship expenditure$26,439,668
    Aggregate political donations
    Aggregate industrial body payments
    Aggregate related party payments

    Note that the aggregate industrial body payments and related party payments differ non-materially to the totals published in the Annual Members’ Meeting Notice due to finalisation of our financial records.

    Some payments are required by superannuation regulations to be disclosed in more than one category. More information about each category is listed below.


    Remuneration includes the salary for the CEO, as well as fees for directors. More detail is available on our website and in our Annual Integrated Report.

    Promotion, marketing and sponsorship

    Promotion, marketing and sponsorship includes expenses where a purpose of each payment was to promote or market Media Super or relates to our sponsorship and partnership arrangements. This helps to grow our fund and increase scale, which means lower fees for members.

    Donations to political organisations

    Media Super does not make political donations.

    Payments to industrial bodies

    Payments to industry bodies includes partnership arrangements – which may include advertising, marketing and education services to help grow our fund. More detail is available in our Annual Integrated Report.

    Payments to related parties

    Payments to related parties includes payments made to related entities for business operations, or for services from an organisation in which we also invest, or when a director is an employee or a director of an organisation which provides services to us.

    Payments also include promotional and marketing services, directors’ fees and board committee fees. More detail on payments to related parties is available in our Annual Integrated Report.

    Please note: the amounts shown in the table above represent the overall Trustee and Fund expenses, which incorporates both Cbus Super and Media Super.

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