Past Annual Member Meetings

Find out details about Media Super's previous Annual Member Meetings.

2021 Annual Members' Meeting

Our Annual Members’ Meeting was held on Thursday, 24 February 2022. It was a chance for members to hear from our Chair and Executive team, and ask questions about Media Super.

2020 Annual Members' Meeting

Our Annual Members’ Meeting was held on Thursday, 26 November 2020. It was a chance for members to hear from our Executive team and ask questions about Media Super.

Read the Annual Members’ Meeting minutes, including responses to questions asked by members.

You can also watch a recording of the Annual Members' Meeting.

2019 Annual Member Meeting

The 2019 Annual Member Meeting was held in October 2019.

If you couldn't attend or would like to view the briefing again, you can watch a video of the briefing below.

Members had the opportunity to ask our Board and Executive questions at the briefing. You'll find information on topics discussed in this list:

Annual Member Meeting

View details about our latest Annual Member Meeting.