CEO Update
Broadcast News Dec 23
A message from Kristian Fok, Chief Executive Officer
I am pleased to be leading Media Super as we move into 2024. Next year we celebrate Cbus’ 40th anniversary – a cause for celebration as we mark the beginning of something special that has transformed how our members’ save for and enjoy their retirement.
The support of employers has been a key to this success. Diligence in making sure that contributions are deposited into accounts regularly gives members the best chance to maximise the benefit that compound interest will bring them in retirement.
Renewed leadership
In September important executive roles were announced with the creation of Chief Strategy, Transformation, Operating and People Officer roles. A new Deputy Chief Investment Officer has been appointed.
The appointments are crucial steps to support our renewed strategy and the Fund’s future development, so we are always the organisation we want and need to be for our members and employers.
David Atkin visits
Recently, we were delighted to welcome a former Fund CEO, David Atkin, who led Cbus for over 12 years and is now based in London as CEO of the Principles for Responsible Investment.
David reminded us that "from small things, big things grow" as he recollected with staff on the growth and performance of the Fund during his tenure.
Season's greetings
As we close out the year and reflect on what’s been, a highlight to acknowledge is the growth in the number of employers choosing Media Super for their staff. Last financial year saw a 9.5% increase in the number of employers making contributions to the Fund, as highlighted in our Annual Integrated Report.
I thank you for your support and hope that you and your employees have had a rewarding 2023, and wish you a prosperous new year.
Kristian Fok