Fund details

Fund details

All the important numbers and Media Super fund details you might need, including our ABN, USI and MySuper authorisation number. You'll also find Trustee details for United Super Pty Ltd and information about our key service providers.

Below you'll find important numbers and information to complete forms and admin, as well as details about Media Super's Trustee and our key service providers.

Fund details

Construction and Building Unions Superannuation Fund
ABN75 493 363 262
MySuper authorisation number75 493 363 262 473
Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) - super75493363262002
Complying fundYes
Fund Mailing AddressMedia Super Locked Bag 5056 Parramatta NSW 2124
Member service centre phone1800 640 886

Callers outside Australia +61 2 8571 6500
Always make cheques payable toMedia Super


United Super Pty Ltd
ABN46 006 261 623
Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL)233792
Trustee Mailing AddressMedia Super GPO Box 4303 Melbourne VIC 3001
Trustee phone1800 640 886

Service providers

The Fund works closely with a range of specialist service providers. This structure ensures we maintain our low costs while accessing the expertise required to achieve outstanding results for our members and employers.

Administrator: Australian Administration Services Pty Ltd, ABN 62 003 429 114

External Auditor: Ernst & Young, ABN 72 588 172 749

Internal Auditor:
PWC, ABN 52 780 433 757

Master Custodian:
JP Morgan Chase Bank NA (Sydney branch), ABN 43 074 112 001

Custodian: Pacific Custodians Pty Limited ABN 66 009 682 866

TAL Life Limited ABN 70 050 109 450

Investment Advisers:
Frontier Advisors Pty Ltd, ABN 21 074 287 406

Our Complying Fund Letter

If you are starting a new job and your employer requires a letter of compliance, please provide them with this form.