Learning Investment basics
The basics of investing
The investment decisions you make today can make a big difference to the amount of super you retire with. Learning the basics of investing will help you make better decisions now and in the future.
How investments work
We offer a range of investment options, so you can make a choice that suits you and your goals. You invest your super to help it grow. The higher the return of your investment, the more money you’ll have to spend in retirement.
Understanding your goals
Retirement may seem like a long way off
Planning for retirement now can help you change how you’ll live then. Before you make your investment choice, think about what you really need from your super. How much income do you earn? How many years until you retire? What other investments or assets do you have? Can you afford to make extra contributions into super?
We have a range of tools that can help
You can use our Retirement income calculator to help you work out how much you may need, and check if the Age Pension plus your super will give you enough income in retirement. Use our Retirement spending planner to work out how long you’ll be able to sustain your current way of life, while still enjoying those little extras in retirement.
View our range of calculator tools.
Understanding risks and expected investment returns
Different types of investments carry different levels of risk, depending on the type of assets that you are invested in and the timeframe. Generally, the more risk you take with your investments, the greater the potential for higher long-term returns. The lower the risk you take, the lower the likely long-term return.
Understanding your investment timeframe
Think about how long you have to invest
How long you have to invest could influence your investment choices. Don't forget that even once you retire, you may need to take some investment risk to help your savings continue to grow and keep ahead of the rising costs of living.
Understanding the building blocks of your super
Asset classes – your investment building blocks
Asset classes are the building blocks of our suite of investment options. How much we invest in each asset class depends on each option’s investment objective. Every option has a different mix of asset classes and different amounts in each asset class.
Your investment portfolio
Most members who are in our accumulation products are invested in the default Growth (MySuper) option. But if you'd like to make your own investment choice, we offer a range of options that you can mix and match, depending on how hands-on you want to be with your super.
With a choice of six Pre-mixed and five DIY investment options, you can mix and match your investments to create a strategy that suits your needs. If you take this path, make sure you read the Investment Handbook (PDF) and consider your options carefully. And get in touch if you need help.
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
By investing across a wide range of asset types, the risk of a big fall in your account value is reduced. This is called diversifying your investments. Diversification works because not all asset types perform in the same way at the same time – when one investment is performing poorly another may be performing well.
The power of compounding investment returns
The longer your super stays invested, the more it can grow
Your super is invested so that over time, it can grow more than it would compared to it sitting in a bank account. We invest your balance into things like shares, property, toll roads, airports and other assets, depending on which investment option you’re in.
The money in your super account earns investment returns over time including all of your contributions. And the best part is that investment returns then compounds over time, which means not only do you earn investment returns on your original contributions, but you also earn investment returns on top of the investment returns you’ve already made.
Making informed investment choices
Your super could be invested in a range of investments such as shopping centres, airports, wind farms, and shares listed in the ASX. Cbus Super has a history of investing back into our community, supporting industries that are important to our members and creating better retirement outcomes.
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Investing in our members' industries
We continue to back our members in the print, media, entertainment, and arts industries. A great example of this is our funding arrangement with Fulcrum Media Finance (Fulcrum). This arrangement not only supports Media Super members in their industries, but it is helping bring entertainment to the big screen and into our members’ homes.
Our arrangement with Fulcrum dates back to 2010 and was originally launched as a $30 million revolving loan. This limit has been raised over time, and was recently increased to over $100 million, highlighting our continued support.
Investing across Australia
Our strong contribution to the Australian economy includes investments in high quality commercial and residential property developments, neighbourhood and regional shopping centres.
As well as high quality long-term infrastructure assets such as toll roads and airports.
Social and affordable housing
We provide investment funding to support social and affordable housing including the construction of new dwellings.
This funding not only supports new home developments for vulnerable Australians but also supports the economy through job creation.
Responsible Investing
Our responsible investment approach aims to systematically integrate the consideration of material environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities within investment decision making processes.
We seek to focus on those ESG risks and opportunities that are likely to impact our members’ savings, or where they have the potential to affect investment returns. We then monitor ESG performance over time.
FAQs about Investments
Get answers to some of our frequently asked questions. If you have a question not answered, request a callback and our Advice team will be in touch.
I am invested, now what?
Investment performance
Investment returns represent gains or losses on your investment. Media Super uses crediting rates to calculate earnings generated by your investments.
To learn more about crediting rates, read our comprehensive Understanding your investment returns and crediting rates factsheet (PDF).
Our videos showcase some of the ways in which we invest your super across asset classes including property, infrastructure, listed shares, fixed interest, cash and private equity.
Learn more about navigating our way through all market conditions.
What does market volatility mean to my super balance?
We understand that market ups and downs can be unsettling however it is important to remember that super is a long-term investment and our diversified portfolios are designed to withstand them.
Can I change my investment options?
At any time, you can change investment options. Changes for future contributions occur as soon as they are received.
You can log into your online account to change your investment options. If you haven't logged in before, please contact us.
Alternatively, complete the Investment choice form (PDF).
What are the impacts of switching investments in my super?
It’s important to think long-term. In times of higher share market volatility, it may be tempting to invest your super in lower risk options to try to minimise losses over the short term. However, reacting to short-term changes may reduce your super balance over the long term.
So while monitoring your investment performance is important, frequent switching between options may not benefit you in the long run.
How does changing investment options affect my balance?
If you're considering switching during a period of investment market volatility , read about changing options in response to short-term share market movements.
Or read more about share market volatility and how Media Super invests.
Before you change how you invest your super, it’s important to understand the range of investment options available, your investment time frame and the impact of changing investment options.
Check your investment choices
Did you know that you can log into your account to check or change how your account is currently invested online?
Register for a webinar
Our webinars can help you get the most out of your super and understand your options at retirement.
Get advice
Our Advice team is here to help you work through your options and answer your questions about investments.
We're here to help
If you're a member, employer, or looking to join Media Super, our team is here to help with any questions you may have.