Understanding super
Navigating your super can seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be. You have questions, we have answers.
How super works
Understand the basics of super and how your super savings can enable you to live the lifestyle you want when you retire.
Ways we can help
It's our job to ensure you have the information you need to manage your super effectively, so you can work towards a comfortable and happy retirement. That's why we provide a wide range of services, tools, resources, and advice for our members.
Making contributions
Making additional contributions to your super is a simple and effective way of growing your retirement savings. You have a choice between making before or after-tax contributions. Find out more and set up a contribution strategy that suits you.
Consolidating your super
It's a smart idea to combine your super into one account. Consolidating your super makes it easier to manage and grow your money as you'll stop paying unnecessary fees and insurance premiums. We can help you find your lost or unclaimed super, transfer your money from an overseas super fund, and help you to grow your super faster.
Fees and costs
We work to keep fees low so you can make the most of your retirement savings and enjoy your life after work. Understand the fees and costs of your Media Super account.
How super is taxed
Understand the different rates of tax payable within super, tax offsets and rebates available, and why it's important to provide us with your TFN.
Accessing your super
Accessing all or some of your super is generally only an option when you reach your preservation age, retire, or turn 65. There are some specific circumstances where you may be able to access your super earlier, including financial hardship or medical grounds. .
Nominate who gets your super when you die
Your super isn't automatically part of your estate. Find out how to nominate beneficiaries for your super death benefit and the essential differences between binding and non-binding nominations. It's never too early to take control over how your super benefits will be distributed when you die.
Super for the self-employed and freelancers
Super can be tricky if you're self-employed or a freelancer. But you deserve the same financial security and comfort in retirement as 'traditionally' employed Australians. Media Super understands the unique challenges you're facing and can help you understand your rights and get your super sorted.
If you've been made redundant
If you've been made redundant, you're facing a number of important financial decisions, including how best to use your redundancy payout. There are also important considerations about your super. Find out how your super may be impacted and how we can help you plan through this uncertain period.
Super for children
Children working in the entertainment industry are eligible to earn super. Find out how you can best manage your child's super, including how to ensure it's not eroded by fees.
Super for students
Your super fund works hard behind the scenes to invest your savings wisely, growing it over time. Find out how small steps now can mean big leaps for later on.