Super for children
Children working in the entertainment industry are eligible to earn some super. Often this work is a one-off (e.g. advertisement) or runs for a set period (e.g. a theatre production).
While fees for low balance accounts (below $6,000) are capped at 3% for the year, if your child is not receiving regular super contributions, their account balance may be eroded by fees (or insurance premiums, if applicable) over time. In certain circumstances the balance of your child's account may be withdrawn.
If your child is working more often and/or receiving regular contributions (for example, contributions made by parents), it's important to make sure:
- We have their Tax File Number
- Their contact details are up to date
- That their insurance cover (if any) and investment options suit their needs.

Insurance cover
Children do not receive automatic insurance cover, as we stopped providing automatic cover to any members under the age of 25 from 1 July 2018.
If your child's account was opened before 1 July 2018, they may have a default level of insurance cover.
If your child has insurance cover that they do not need, you can cancel this using the Insurance cancellation and reduction form. You can also use this form to decrease their level of cover.
You can apply for insurance cover for children over the age of 15 or increase their existing cover using the Application for insurance cover form, which includes a personal health statement.
Please make sure you read the Insurance Guide for full details and costs.
Withdrawing a child's super
If your child’s employment has ceased and the balance of the account is less than $200, you can close the account. Once the withdrawal is made, the account will be closed.
How to claim
To make a withdrawal on behalf of your child please complete the Benefit payment form and return it, along with the following additional documentation:
- Certified birth certificate for the child (must be supplied in all cases) and
- Certified identification of the parent or guardian as detailed on the form, including identification which proves the relationship to the child.
Child members under the age of 18 can make a withdrawal personally by completing the Benefit payment form and returning it along with the required proof of identity documents as detailed on the form.