Educational videos

Make informed decisions about your future.

Bite-sized insights to help you take control

Super can be confusing, but our easy-to-understand videos break it down.

  • Consolidating thumbnail 750x500

    Consolidate your super

    If you've worked multiple jobs, you might have multiple super accounts, leading to multiple fees. Here’s what to consider before combining your super.

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    Salary sacrifice

    Boost your super with salary sacrifice. It’s an easy way to make extra contributions and grow your retirement savings.

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    Voluntary contributions

    Got extra cash from your pay, savings, or an inheritance? Make non-concessional contributions to increase your super.

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    Nominating beneficiaries

    Your super and insurance don’t automatically go to your estate. Learn how to nominate beneficiaries.

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    Get expert advice

    Feeling overwhelmed by super decisions? Our Advice Services team is here to help. Contact us today for guidance.

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